Out With The Old, In With The New

If I had a dollar for every time I heard someone say "Out with the old, in with the new", I'd be rolling in money. 
This past couple of years has been challenging for me in more ways than I can ever express. There have been physical losses, physical, mental and emotional defeats, chaos, and more recently, a new-found level of clarity. 

As the fog has begun to lift from my life, I've started to tackle things that I've been putting off, or simply refusing to acknowledge. I've begun to make peace with some of the changes in my life, and am now learning how to let go of some of the cluttered baggage that I've been holding onto for the "What might have been". 

Don't get me wrong, there have been some amazing POSITIVES in my life in this past couple of years, but unfortunately, I have not allowed myself to really enjoy and embrace them the way I should have. This includes new friendships, old friendships, amazing opportunities...I have neglected them all. I am not proud of my neglectful behavior, at all. I am ashamed of it, and saddened to have to admit that I am at fault for failures of epic proportions. Yet, there have been two-way streets, and I cannot accept fault for anyone else's failures, only my own. 

I have begun the process of "Outs and Ins". It consists of getting rid of physical clutter in my life, negative attitudes, toxic friendships (such an on-going task!), and bringing back a positive, organized, and productive environment, coupled with valuable and supportive relationships.

I am setting some new goals, and renewing some old goals that were never achieved. My goals? Another post for another day, because today, I have to play with my Pickle and my SugarPlum, then get ready for an evening out with Hubby and some friends! Making the most of my last 2 days of 2010!I wish you all a safe and happy New Year, this weekend! See you all next year!

Party Smart, Designate a Sober Driver...Thank You!


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