am I crazy?

I, at some point, have lost my mind...maybe it was last week when I actually thought taking 2 toddlers (and their attitudes) to Mommy & Me Preschool twice a week? Or was it when I signed myself up to be punished by a fitness routine that takes you to the point of breaking...and beyond? And then, I must have thought "Hey! Swimming lessons with 2, that sounds like an AWESOME IDEA!!!". To top it all off, I am NOW considering signing up for 2 hours of belly-dancing classes each week, AND having a friend introduce me to Jillian Michaels! I really have gone off the deep end, folks! All I ask is that you bear with me, as I make the adjustments to this overwhelming schedule that I have inflicted upon myself! I promise not to disappoint you! I am still following along with the Mamavation program, and am hoping to enter into the next round when they begin taking applications again in October! I hope that everyone will jump in and support me this go-round, by tweeting for me, again, and voting for me if/when I make it into the final 4! Keep following, more to come! Have a wonderful night, everyone!


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