Prepping for the Final 4...

I am so eager to hear who will be the Mamavation Mom Final 4...My heart starts racing every time I let myself even THINK about it! *deep breath* I know that this decision is going to be hard for Leah, especially since I wanted to make EVERY person I saw VLOG the Mamavation Mom. I definitely don't envy her position in narrowing it down to only 4 Moms! I hope that she chooses to put me in the Final 4, but if she is not able to, I would still love for everyone who has been so supportive of me to go check out the videos and vote! Then, when a finalist is chosen, I would like for you all to follow HER journey, and show your support for her! At the same time, I would love to have your CONTINUED support, as I embark upon my own Journey to a Happier, Healthier ME! I have already committed myself to do this, with or without the title, and I intend to keep my word! Feel free to give me tips and encouragement along the way...I WELCOME IT!!! And feel free to join me and blog your OWN journey! It is said that it takes 21 days to develope a routine, or a habit...Leah is giving the Mamavation Mom 2 MONTHS to establish new healthier habits for herself and her family, all while motivating and inspiring others to make their own changes! Change doesn't happen overnight, and it is great that there is no expectation for that here! It is understood that this needs to happen gradually, so that it can be done in a manner that is healthy and HABIT-FORMING! As I have already said, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to be THE Mamavation Mom, but titled or not, I would love for you to let me be YOUR Mamavation Mom! Don't forget, tomorrow is the BIG DAY!!! I will post to my blog the INSTANT I know if I make the Final 4, so check back for my post! I can't WAIT!!! I also want to add...I have committed to some smaller goals, and want you to help me to make them reality... Because SLEEP DEPRIVATION can affect weight loss, I have committed to not drink ANY COFFEE after 3pm. This is where you come in...if you know me, and see that I am not adhering to this commitment, PLEASE CALL ME OUT ON IT! Thanks in advance! Because your body needs constant fuel to boost your metabolism, I have committed to eating something small every 3 hours. So, feel free to ask me when I last ate, and what I had...this will help remind me, if I haven't already eaten, AND it will hold me accountable to eating frequent, HEALTHY mini-meals. Because I have hit a plateau of sorts, and need a boost, I have committed to boosting my workout regime from JUST walking/double toddler-wearing to at least 30 minutes of some OTHER type of activity each day! (Elliptical, weight training, dvd workouts, etc.) If you see me online, or IRL, ASK ME...what was your 30 minute activity today? Because I want YOU to get healthy WITH ME, I have committed to spreading the word about this amazing journey, AND have invited you all to join in and share your own struggles and successes with me! Please send me a link to your own blog, so that I can follow your posts and leave encouragement and support for YOU! Because I feel like TV has become too important to my children, and they are not getting enough physical and social interaction, I am committing to LIMITING TV and getting out more to participate in classes and playdates that stimulate them both mentally and physically. So, if you are a local mama, and are looking for company for a playdate, or just an outing to the mall, or a class, please CALL ME, or email me, and I'd be happy to meet up with you, and let our children wear each other out! I have so many more I could list, but for now, I would like to start with things that are realistic, and "short term" goals.


Proud mommy of Two said...

Go Ali!! I will be waiting to hear who the finalist are! Good for you for setting these goals. I will definately be asking you when I see you and chat with you about them!

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