Preggie Panties and Nursing Bras
*Deep Breath...and let it out...* My babies are now 3 years and 1 1/2 years, and I have not bought new undergarments since my first pregnancy, in late 2005/early 2006...and they were Preggie Panties and Nursing Bras. I weaned my daughter a little over a month ago, and haven't been pregnant in 19 months. And I STILL WEAR my preggie panties and nursing bras daily. *sigh* I am not willing to spend the money on nice undergarments if I am going to have to buy them in the sizes that I require still. I went to VS to get sized for a new bra, in hopes of good news, only to try the size they gave me, and STILL spill over. Not just in the front, but under the arms, and in the back, as well. This is NOT a good look. I won't even LOOK at underwear. So, again, I will say it...I still wear my preggie panties and nursing bras. My goal is to drop some weight and inches...most importantly, the inches. I desperately want to be able to wear the adorable underwear and bra sets that I had purchased just before my first pregnancy, and never got to wear. Yes, I kept them. Along with all of the other clothes I have ever owned. My attic could double as a clothing resale shop...I have a minimum of 12-18 GARGANTUAN Rubbermaid containers stuffed to the hilt with clothes ranging from size 0 to DARE I SAY IT 16...I used to have equally as many containers full of shoes, but due to the flattening and widening of my feet during pregnancy, I was not longer able to fit into ANY of them. I now have a couple of pairs of flip flops, sandals, and a pair of tennis shoes...and a horribly uncomfy pair of heels for special events (you know, that pair you have to wear band-aids with!). My feet are too wide to slide into any slinky sexy shoes anymore, so I opt for the more sensible, not quite so fashionable shoes, these days. If I kept ONLY the clothes that currently FIT me in my closet, I could count those items on one hand...instead, I have several items in different sizes, some kept in there to motivate me to lose the weight (so far, not very motivating, but definitely depressing!), and the rest kept there, simply because I am doing what I do best...PROCRASTINATING on cleaning them out and boxing them up and/or getting rid of them. *HUGE SIGH* I was supposed to go to a pool party the day after the 4th, but was GRATEFUL for the kids wanting to HANG onto Daddy, and not share him after a 1 day/2 night absence...I have NO IDEA what the hell I would've worn as a suit! I thought about it, briefly, and had determined I would wear a sports tank and gym shorts...I am glad I didn't have to dig them out...not even sure they would have fit anyway! Now, I REALLY REALLY want to go to some pool parties and join my family down at Fiesta Island for some summer bbqs, but ME in swimwear?!? Who am I kidding? NOBODY, and I DO mean NOBODY, wants to see the beached whale this summer, and at this point, that's pretty much what they are going to be seeing. Not to mention my skin alone could light up the night sky, I'm so pale! I tried on a swim top today...decided it would do, but OF COURSE, the detachable straps that were supposed to be with it were MIA! It was a size 14...a SNUG one, at that, but the biggest size they had available. So, what did I do? I literally STUFFED myself, roll by embarrassing roll, into the NEXT largest size they had...a 12...and bought it (it was on sale for 1/2 off and then an additional amount that I don't remember!), telling my gal pal that I will NEED a suit to wear as I am losing weight with! Does it fit me now? No. Should I have bought it? Probably not, but I'm not one to pass up a bargain...especially when I AM going to need it in a couple of months, since I have nothing but Maternity Swimsuits that DO NOT cover up my UN-BABY BELLY. I promise to post photos when I am able to wear it without sending everyone fleeing for safety...please don't hold your breath for that time to come, it may be a couple of months! :) Again, if you have not had the pleasure of viewing my UBER-DORKY VideoBlog Entry for the contest, please click on the link above (just under my blog header), and watch it! If you are on twitter, or know folks on twitter, please Tweet for me and have your friends/family tweet for me!! @bookieboo I would love to see @picklesugarplum become the VERY FIRST #Mamavation Mom! Be sure to check back on the 22nd of July for your chance to vote for me (if I am one of the 4 finalists!) at Voting will continue DAILY from July 22nd through 30th, so please vote DAILY!!! Thanks so much IN ADVANCE! I truly hope to become the first ever Mamavation Mom, and have the opportunity to inspire everyone that follows along throughout my journey of transformation!
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